Thermal stress- If we clamp the ends of a rod rigidly to prevent its expansion or contraction and then change the temperature, tensile or compressive stress developed is called thermal stress. The rod like to expand or contract but clamps won’t allow it. As shown in fig. To calculate the thermal stress in a clamped […]
Change of density with temperature
Before to go with tis topic students must know the topic thermal expansion of matter, which is one of the most important topic for thermal properties of matter. To learn the topic Thermal expansion of matter CLICK HERE- After Completing the topic thermal expansion students must solve some important questions of thermal expansion of matter, […]
Before to solve these questions students must studied the topic Thermal expansion of matter , to watch the complete notes on this topic click here Important numericals based on expansion of matter- 1. A surveyor uses a steel measuring tape that is exactly 50m long at a temperature of 200C . What is the length […]
Thermal expansion
Thermal expansion Most of the material expand when their temperature increases. Then the phenomenon of expansion of material when it is heated is known as thermal expansion. 1. Linear expansion– When a rod heated then the temperature of the body increases due to which length of the rod increases , this phenomenon is known as […]
Temperature is a relative measure of hotness or coldness of a body. An object at a higher temperature is said to be hotter than the one at a lower temperature. The S.I. unit of temperature is Kelvin(K). (We must keep it in our mind that , Heat and temperature are not the same thing , […]
Magnus effect and dynamic lift- The upward force experience by a body when it moves through a fluid is called dynamic lift . Such a lift is felt by airfoil , aircraft win etc. Couse behind it can be explained by Bernoulli’s theorem . It also explain why a spinning ball is deviated from its […]
Optical fibres
In this topic we will discuss what is optical fibre , what is its working and its important application. Optical fibres – It is a device based on Total internal reflection by which signal may be transmitted from one location to another. It is a thin fibre of plastic specially coated glass , in which […]
Application of total internal reflection ( T.I.R) – T.I.R in nature and its technological application- Brilliance of diamond- The brilliance of diamond is due to the total internal reflection of light. Refractive index for diamond is very large which is near about 2.42 , so that critical angle for diamond air is 24.40. The diamond […]
Real depth and apparent depth
Real depth and apparent depth. A water tank appears shallower i.e. less deep then what actually is. When we observe an object which is inside the water or any transparent liquid it appear higher then its actual position . This is because when light travels from denser to rarer it bended away from the normal […]
Total internal reflection
In this topic we will discuss , what do you mean by the term Total internal reflection, critical angle . And we will practice some questions based on these topics. before to know this topic students must know Real depth and apparent depth. To know this topic click here- Total internal reflection and critical angle. […]