12th Assignments

Case study question on Compound microscope

Compound microscope- A compound microscope is an optical instrument used for observing high magnified image of tiny objects. Magnifying power of compound microscope is defined as the ratio of the angle subtended at the eye by the final image to the angle subtended by the object , when both the final image and object at […]

12th Assignments

Case study question on astronomical telescope

Astronomical telescope- An astronomical telescope is an optical instrument which is used for observing distinct images of heavenly bodies libe stars, planets etc. It consists of two lenses . In normal adjustment of telescope , the final image is formed at infinity . Magnifying power of astronomical telescope in normal adjustment is defined as the […]

12th Assignments

Case study questions on ray optics

Case study based questions- 1. Total internal reflection – Total internal reflection is the phenomenon of reflection of light into denser medium at the interface of denser medium with rarer medium . For this phenomenon to occur necessary condition is that light must move from denser to rarer and angle of incidence in denser medium […]

12th Assignments Assignments

Short answer type questions of ray optics

Short answer type questions- (2 marks), This assignment provides Very important short answer type questions of ray optics which is very important for the class 12th board examinations. 1.What are the necessary conditions for the phenomenon of total internal reflection to occur . Also write the relation between refractive index and critical angle for a […]

12th Notes

Optical fibres

In this topic we will discuss what is optical fibre , what is its working and its important application. Optical fibres – It is a device based on Total internal reflection by which signal may be transmitted from one location to another. It is a thin fibre of plastic specially coated glass , in which […]

12th Notes

Application of Total internal reflection

Application of total internal reflection ( T.I.R) –  T.I.R in nature and its technological application- Brilliance of diamond-   The brilliance of diamond is due to the total internal reflection of light. Refractive index for diamond is very large which is near about 2.42 , so that critical angle for diamond air is 24.40. The diamond […]

12th Notes

Real depth and apparent depth

Real depth and apparent depth. A water tank appears shallower i.e. less deep then what actually is. When we observe an object which is inside the water or any transparent liquid it appear higher then its actual position . This is because when light travels from denser to rarer it bended away from the normal […]

12th Assignments

Total internal reflection

In this topic we will discuss , what do you mean by the term Total internal reflection, critical angle . And we will practice some questions based on these topics. before to know this topic students must know Real depth and apparent depth. To know this topic click here- Total internal reflection and critical angle. […]

12th Notes

Important points on refraction of light.

In this note we will discuss about the very important points on the refraction of light , every students must keep it in the mind . It is use ful for objective point of view. Keep in your mind- Some important thing for refraction of light. 1. Refractive index  µ=c/v where c is the velocity […]

12th Assignments

Very important questions of ray optics

Very important questions of ray optics- In this topic we will get some, Very important questions of ray optics. Students preparing for board examination must solve all the questions given below. Very important questions of ray optics 1. Derive the mathematical relation between refractive indices μ1 and μ2 of two radii and radius of curvature […]