11th assignment Test Preparation

Test paper Class-11 (Physics)

This is the first test paper provided for the students of class-11th ( Physics) . in the end of the paper answer is given . Students having solved the question paper , may check its answers. This question paper is taken by the other books, if students get any errors , then sorry for this.

12th Assignments Assignments

Hots questions based on semiconductor

Hots questions based on Semi conductors. These questions are important for class 12th board Examination. Q. 1. What are different types of compound semiconductors? Give two examples of each. Ans- The compound semiconductors are of following types Inorganic semiconductors: Cds, GaAs, CdSe Organic semiconductors: Anthracene, pthalocynines Organic polymers: Polyparrole, polyaniline, polythiophene. Q. 2. Which characteristic […]

11th assignment Assignments

Important questions of physics (Term-2)

Important questions of class 11th [physics (Term-2)] This assignment contain the questions of following chapters [ 1- Solids ( elasticity), 2- Fluids , 3- Thermal properties of matter, 4- Thermodynamics,5-Oscillations ,6-Waves ] 1 .What are the basic assumptions of kinetic theory of gases? on their basis, derive an expression for the pressure exerted by an […]

11th assignment Assignments

Important questions of oscillations

Important questions of oscillations- 1. What is meant by periodic and oscillatory motion? Distinguish between them. 2. What is meant by SHM . Find the expressions for displacement , velocity and acceleration. Also find the phase difference between them. 3. Find the potential energy and kinetic energy of a SHM and hence show that total […]

11th assignment Assignments

Important questions of mechanical properties of fluid in rest

Important questions of mechanical properties of fluid in rest (Hydrostatics); This assignment contain all important questions based on the topic , liquid pressure, Pascal’s law, surface tension etc. It will help the students to prepare for the schools examination for class 11th. 1. Define thrust  and derive an expression for the pressure at depth in […]

11th assignment Assignments

Very important questions of thermodynamics

Important questions of thermodynamics- 1. What is the zeroth law of thermodynamics ? How does it lead us to the concept of temperature? 2. Define isothermal and adiabatic process . What are the conditions necessary for such process to occur? 3. State and explain the first law of thermodynamics. Also write its limitations. 4. Define […]

12th Assignments Assignments

Short answer type questions of ray optics

Short answer type questions- (2 marks), This assignment provides Very important short answer type questions of ray optics which is very important for the class 12th board examinations. 1.What are the necessary conditions for the phenomenon of total internal reflection to occur . Also write the relation between refractive index and critical angle for a […]

11th assignment Assignments

Important questions of thermal properties of matter

Important questions of thermal properties of matter This assignment provides all important questions of this chapter , which will be important for examinations point of view. 1. Briefly describe the various scale of temperature and give the relation between them. 2.Define coefficient of linear ,area and volume expansion , also find the relation between them. […]

11th assignment Assignments

Numericals based on expansion of matter

Before to solve these questions students must studied the topic Thermal expansion of matter , to watch the complete notes on this topic click hereĀ  Important numericals based on expansion of matter- 1. A surveyor uses a steel measuring tape that is exactly 50m long at a temperature of 200C . What is the length […]

11th assignment Assignments

Important numericals on temperature and thermometer (Temperature scale)

Temperature is a relative measure of hotness or coldness of a body. An object at a higher temperature is said to be hotter than the one at a lower temperature. The S.I. unit of temperature is Kelvin(K). (We must keep it in our mind that , Heat and temperature are not the same thing , […]