12th Notes

Electric field and electric field lines

Electric field and electric field lines In this topic we will discuss about what is electric field and electric field lines , also electric field intensity at a point due to a point charge . Electric field – Due to given  electric charge it is the  space around a charge particle in which electrostatic force […]

12th Notes

Coulomb’s law

Coulomb’s law – In this topic we will discuss about the Coulomb’s law of electrostatic force between two charged particle separated by some distance . Coulomb’s law – According to Coulomb’s law , the force of attraction or repulsion between  two charged body is directly proportional to product of magnitude of their charges and inversely […]

12th Notes

What is electric charge? And what are the properties of charge ?

What is electric charge ? And what are the properties of charge ? in this topic we will discuss that, What is electric charge ? And what are the properties of charge ? We will also discuss that what are the processes of charging of an objects ? This topic will help the students of […]

12th Notes

Diffraction of light

Diffraction of light What is diffraction of light ? conditions for maximum and minimum using single slit experiment, and intensity curve . Diffraction of light  – When a beam of monochromatic light passes through an aperture or an obstacle comes into the way of light then light is bent at the corners of the aperture […]

12th Notes JEE NEET/PMT

Electromagnetic wave

 Chapter:   ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE What is em wave ? how it is produced ?and all kind of feature are explained here. The propagating in space through electric and magnetic field varying in space and time simultaneously are called electromagnetic wave . Origin – The electro magnetic wave are produced by an accelerated and deaccelerated charge or […]

12th Notes


OSCILLATION IN AN LC – CIRCUIT LC- oscillation —- An LC circuit consists  an inductor and a capacitor connected in parallel . Its another name is tank circuit. Working –  At t= 0 – – capacitor is first charged . The whole energy is stored in the capacitor which is U= ½ CV2 , at […]

12th Notes JEE NEET/PMT


PHASOR DIAGRAM- PHASORS AND PHASOR DIAGRAM- The co-planar vectors which represents sinusoidal time varying quantities like alternating current or alternating voltage are known as phasor and the graphical representation of these quantities for the ac circuit is known as phasor diagram. In another words we can say when AC or alternating voltage  represented as rotating […]

10th Physics Notes 11th Notes 12th Notes JEE NEET/PMT


GRAPH In this post we will discuss about the graph , and how graphs makes to understand  the physics easily ? Graph- As we know it is not easy to study or understand the physics. Students who is taking interest in physics and want to understand the physics, it is necessary to improve your mathematics […]

12th Notes Uncategorized


METER-BRIDGE   Question based on meter-bridge may be asked as ; What is meter-bridge ? How does it work? find the expression to find the value of unknown resistance using meter bridge. Meter-bridge is a devise used to know the value of unknown resistance.  Principle -its working based on the principle of wheat-stone-bridge . See  […]

12th Notes


MUTUAL INDUCTANCE OF TWO COAXIAL SOLENOID In this topic we will derive the expression for coefficient of mutual induction or mutual inductance of two coaxial solenoid MUTUAL INDUCTION OF TWO COAXIAL SOLENOID– Let us consider two coaxial solenoid P1P2 and S1S2 (as shown in figure). Let their common length is ‘l’ with cross-sectional area  A  […]